DS DS/EN 50281-1-2/Corr.
DS DSEN 50281-1-2Corr 2000-AUG-29 Electrcal apparatus for use n the presence of combustble dust - Part 1-2 Electrcal apparatus protected by enclosures - Selecton nstallaton and mantenance
DS DSEN 50281-1-2Corr 2000-AUG-29 Electrcal apparatus for use n the presence of combustble dust - Part 1-2 Electrcal apparatus protected by enclosures - Selecton nstallaton and mantenance
This European Standard is applicable to electrical apparatus protected by enclosures for use in areas where combustible dust may be present in quantities which could lead to a fire or explosion hazard. EN 50281-1-2 gives guidance on the selection, installation and maintenance of the apparatus. EN 50281-1-1 specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of electrical apparatus.