DS DS/EN 50267-2-1
DS DSEN 50267-2-1 1998-DEC-16 Common test methods for cables under fre condtons - Tests on gases evolved durng combuston of materals from cables - Part 2-1Procedures - Determnaton of the amount of halogen acd gas
DS DSEN 50267-2-1 1998-DEC-16 Common test methods for cables under fre condtons - Tests on gases evolved durng combuston of materals from cables - Part 2-1Procedures - Determnaton of the amount of halogen acd gas
This part 2 of EN 50267 specifies the procedures for the determination of the amount of halogen acid gas, other than hydroflouric acid, evovled during the combustion of compunds based on halogeneated polymers and compunds containing halogenated additives taken from cable constructions.