DS DS/EN 50216-7
DS DSEN 50216-7 2002-FEB-26 Power transformer and reactor fttngs - Part 7 Electrc pumps for transformer ol
DS DSEN 50216-7 2002-FEB-26 Power transformer and reactor fttngs - Part 7 Electrc pumps for transformer ol
EN 50216-7 covers requirements for electric pumps which generate the circulation of insulating oil in transformers and reactors conforming to the EN 60076 series and their associated cooling systems. The pumps covered in this standard are rotodynamic pumps driven by a squirrel cage induction motor which is immersed in the insulating oil. Pump sets conforming to this standard may be of in-line or end suction design. This standard includes requirements for the electrical and hydrulic performance, mechanical design, routine testing and type testing. Additionally, performancy and dimensions of preferred sizes of pump sets are specified (see normative annexes A and B). The insulating oils considered comply with subclause 2.5 of iEC 60269-1. If other insulating liquids are to be used, the performance and design of the pump shall be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.