DS DS/EN 50091-1-2/Corr.
DS DSEN 50091-1-2Corr 2001-SEP-13 Unnterruptble power systems UPS - Part 1-2 General and safety requrements for UPS used n restrcted access locatons
DS DSEN 50091-1-2Corr 2001-SEP-13 Unnterruptble power systems UPS - Part 1-2 General and safety requrements for UPS used n restrcted access locatons
This Standard applies to electronic indirect a.c. convertor systems with an electrical energy storage device in the d.c. link. The primary function of the uninterruptible power system (UPS) covered by this standard is to ensure continuity of an alternating power source. The uninterruptible power system may also serve to improve the quality of the power source by keeping it within specified characteristics.