DS DS/EN 27627-4
DS DSEN 27627-4 1993-SEP-13 Hardmetals - Chemcal analyss by flame atomc absorpton spectrometry - Part 4 Determnaton of molybdenum ttanum and vanadum n contents from 001 to 05 mm
DS DSEN 27627-4 1993-SEP-13 Hardmetals - Chemcal analyss by flame atomc absorpton spectrometry - Part 4 Determnaton of molybdenum ttanum and vanadum n contents from 001 to 05 mm
This part of ISO 7627 specifies the method to be used for the determination of molybdenum, titanium and vanadium contents of hardmetals within the range 0,01 to 0,5 % (m/m) by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.