DS DS/EN 27574-2
DS DSEN 27574-2 1990-DEC-06 Acoustcs - Statstcal methods for determnng and verfyng stated nose emsson values of machnery and equpment - Part 2 Methods for stated values for ndvdual machnes
DS DSEN 27574-2 1990-DEC-06 Acoustcs - Statstcal methods for determnng and verfyng stated nose emsson values of machnery and equpment - Part 2 Methods for stated values for ndvdual machnes
The standard provides guidelines for determining the labelled values of the noise emissions of individually-labelled machinery and equipment, that is, in the situation in which each machine produced has its own individually-labelled value of its noise emission quantity. It also specifies a method for verifying compliance of the noise emission of an individual machine or item of equipment with its labelled value.