DS DS/EN 16006
DS DSEN 16006 2011-SEP-19 Anmal feedng stuffs - Determnaton of the Sum of Fumonsn B1 B2 n compound anmal feed wth mmunoaffnty clean-up and RP-HPLC wth fluorescence detecton after pre- or post-column dervatsaton
DS DSEN 16006 2011-SEP-19 Anmal feedng stuffs - Determnaton of the Sum of Fumonsn B1 B2 n compound anmal feed wth mmunoaffnty clean-up and RP-HPLC wth fluorescence detecton after pre- or post-column dervatsaton
This European Standard is applicable to the determination of Fumonisin B1 amp; B2 (FB1 amp; FB2) in compound animal feed at levels starting from 3 mg/kg up to 16 mg/kg.