DS DS/EN 15889
DS DSEN 15889 2011-AUG-24 Fre-fghtng hoses - Test methods
This European standard specifies test methods for lay-flat fire-fighting hoses for fixed systems, semi-rigid fire-fighting hoses for both fixed systems and vehicles and fire-fighting suction hoses for vehicles. These test methods are required for the standards for fire-fighting hose product standards developed by CEN/TC 192. Consequently, the applicable test methods are selected and the requirements and test values defined in the relevant fire-fighting hose product standards and normatively referenced in those standards. This European Standard does not cover test methods for lay-flat fire-fighting hoses for vehicles for which no European standard exists. NOTE Annex R (informative) lists the existing published ISO and EN hose test methods standards that are specified within fire-fighting hose standards.