DS DS/EN 15764
DS DSEN 15764 2010-JAN-08 Foodstuffs - Determnaton of trace elements - Determnaton of tn by flame and graphte furnace atomc absorpton spectrometry FAAS and GFAAS after pressure dgeston
DS DSEN 15764 2010-JAN-08 Foodstuffs - Determnaton of trace elements - Determnaton of tn by flame and graphte furnace atomc absorpton spectrometry FAAS and GFAAS after pressure dgeston
This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of tin in foodstuffs and canned foods by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after pressurized digestion. The collaborative study included foodstuffs having mass fractions of tin ranging from 43 mg/kg to 260 mg/kg (Flame-AAS) and from 2,5 mg/kg to 269 mg/kg (Graphite Furnace AAS).