DS DS/EN 14961-4
DS DSEN 14961-4 2011-JUL-18 Sold bofuels - Fuel specfcatons and classes - Part 4 Wood chps for non-ndustral use
DS DSEN 14961-4 2011-JUL-18 Sold bofuels - Fuel specfcatons and classes - Part 4 Wood chps for non-ndustral use
This European standard determines the fuel quality classes and specifications for non-industrial wood chips. This European standard covers only wood chip produced from the following raw materials (see EN 14961-1:2010, Table 1): - 1.1 Forest, plantation and other virgin wood; - 1.2 By-products and residues from wood processing industry; - 1.3 Used wood. NOTE For the avoidance of doubt, demolition wood is not included in the scope of this European Standard. Demolition wood is "used wood arising from demolition of buildings or civil engineering installations" (EN 14588:2010, 4.52).
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