DS DS/EN 14944-1
DS DSEN 14944-1 2006-MAY-29 nfluence of cementtous products on water ntended for human consumpton - Test methods - Part 1 nfluence of factory made cementtous products on organoleptc parameters
DS DSEN 14944-1 2006-MAY-29 nfluence of cementtous products on water ntended for human consumpton - Test methods - Part 1 nfluence of factory made cementtous products on organoleptc parameters
This European Standard specifies a method to determine the influence of factory made cementitious products on the odour, flavour, colour and turbidity of test waters after contact with the products.
This European Standard is applicable to factory made cementitious products, e.g. cement mortar linings to metallic pipes, tanks, concrete pipes etc. intended to be used for the transport and storage of water for human consumption, including raw water used for the production of drinking water.