DS DS/EN 14852
DS DSEN 14852 2005-DEC-09 Aerosol contaners - Determnaton of the gnton dstance of the spray jet
DS DSEN 14852 2005-DEC-09 Aerosol contaners - Determnaton of the gnton dstance of the spray jet
This European Standard describes a method of determining the maximum distance between the orifice of an aerosol container and a flame that results in ignition and sustained combustion of an aerosol spray. The standard applies to aerosol products that have a spray distance of 150 mm or more. It does not apply to aerosol containers fitted with a metering valve. NOTE: Aerosol products dispensed in the form of a foam, mousse, gel or paste which have a spray distance of less than 150 mm are specified in EN 14851.