DS DS/EN 14784-2
DS DSEN 14784-2 2005-AUG-30 Non-destructve testng - ndustral computed radography wth storage phosphor magng plates - Part 2 General prncples for testng of metallc materals usng X-rays and gamma rays
DS DSEN 14784-2 2005-AUG-30 Non-destructve testng - ndustral computed radography wth storage phosphor magng plates - Part 2 General prncples for testng of metallc materals usng X-rays and gamma rays
This European Standard specifies fundamental techniques of computed radiography with the aim of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically. The techniques are based on the fundamental theory of the subject and tests measurements. This European standard specifies the general rules for industrial computed X- and gamma radiography for flaw detection purposes, using phosphor imaging plates (IP). It is based on the general principles for radiographic examination of metallic materials on the basis of films (EN 444 and ISO 5579). The basic set-up of radiation source, detector and the corresponding geometry shall be applied in agreement with EN 444 and ISO 5579 and the corresponding product standards as e.g. EN 1435 for welding and EN 12681 for foundry. It does not lay down acceptance criteria of the imperfections.
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