DS DS/EN 14784-1
DS DSEN 14784-1 2005-AUG-30 Non-destructve testng - ndustral computed radography wth storage phosphor magng plates - Part 1 Classfcaton of systems
DS DSEN 14784-1 2005-AUG-30 Non-destructve testng - ndustral computed radography wth storage phosphor magng plates - Part 1 Classfcaton of systems
This European standard specifies fundamental parameters of computed radiography systems with the aim of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically. The techniques are based both on fundamental theory and test measurements. This European standard specifies the performance of computed radiography (CR) systems and the measurement of the corresponding parameters for the system scanner and phosphor imaging plate (IP). It describes the classification of these systems in combination with specified metal screens for industrial radiography. It is intended to ensure that the quality of images - as far as this is influenced by the scanner-IP system - is in conformity with the requirements of Part 2 of this standard. The standard relates to the requirements of film radiography defined in EN 584-1 and ISO 11699-1.
This European standard defines system tests at different levels. More complicated tests are described, which allow the determination of exact system parameters. They can be used to classify the systems of different suppliers and make them comparable for users. These tests are specified as manufacturer tests. Some of them require special tools, which are usually not available in user laboratories.