DS DS/EN 14693
DS DSEN 14693 2006-NOV-28 Flexble sheets for waterproofng - Waterproofng of concrete brdge decks and other concrete surfaces traffcable by vehcles - Determnaton of the behavour of btumen sheets durng applcaton of mastc asphalt
DS DSEN 14693 2006-NOV-28 Flexble sheets for waterproofng - Waterproofng of concrete brdge decks and other concrete surfaces traffcable by vehcles - Determnaton of the behavour of btumen sheets durng applcaton of mastc asphalt
This European Standard is applicable to bitumen sheets intended for use with a layer of mastic asphalt.
This European Standard specifies a test method for the evaluation of the resistance of bitumen sheets to the rising of the bitumen compound at the application of mastic asphalt in a non-floating manner.
Note This European Standard could also be used for bitumen sheets intended for use with other asphalt types as a protection layer.