DS DS/EN 14531-1
DS DSEN 14531-1 2005-MAY-03 Ralway applcatons - Methods for calculaton of stoppng dstances slowng dstances and mmoblzaton brakng - Part 1 General algorthms
DS DSEN 14531-1 2005-MAY-03 Ralway applcatons - Methods for calculaton of stoppng dstances slowng dstances and mmoblzaton brakng - Part 1 General algorthms
This document specifies a general algorithm to be used in any type of vehicle application. It enables the calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, dissipated energy, force calculations, immobilization braking.
Typical examples of calculations for freight wagon, coach and locomotive are given in Parts 2 to 6 of this European Standard.
NOTE This document does not specify the performance requirements which can be found in the different standards specified in Clause 2.
This document enables the verification that the design respects the requirements according to the railway application type.