DS DS/EN 14474
DS DSEN 14474 2005-JUL-25 Precast concrete products - Concrete wth wood-chps as aggregate - Requrements and test methods
DS DSEN 14474 2005-JUL-25 Precast concrete products - Concrete wth wood-chps as aggregate - Requrements and test methods
This document specifies common requirements for wood-chip concrete, used in precast wood-chip concreteproducts. It is intended to be used when preparing documents for wood-chip concrete products. Wood-chip concrete product standards will define specific requirements, which may be additional to those given in this document. Product standards will give any limiting values.
Examples for the use of wood-chip concrete are: hollow blocks for flooring systems, shuttering blocks, slabs,
facing elements, acoustic and/or thermal facing elements, partitioning elements, wine racks, etc.
It is not applicable to concrete for structural masonry units covered by EN 771-3 and their ancillary