DS DS/EN 14458
DS DSEN 14458 2004-NOV-25 Personal eye-equpment - Faceshelds and vsors for use wth frefghters' and hgh performance ndustral safety helmets used by frefghters ambulance and emergency servces
DS DSEN 14458 2004-NOV-25 Personal eye-equpment - Faceshelds and vsors for use wth frefghters' and hgh performance ndustral safety helmets used by frefghters ambulance and emergency servces
This standard applies to visors designed specifically to be fitted to and/or used with helmets conforming to EN 443 or prEN 14052 when used by ambulance and emergency services as the situation dictates. They are intended to provide protection against the various hazards expected to be encountered in firefighting, ambulance and emergency service duties, except respiratory, smoke, and gas/vapour hazards.