DS DS/EN 14407
DS DSEN 14407 2004-NOV-29 Water qualty - Gudance standard for the dentfcaton enumeraton and nterpretaton of benthc datom samples from runnng waters
DS DSEN 14407 2004-NOV-29 Water qualty - Gudance standard for the dentfcaton enumeraton and nterpretaton of benthc datom samples from runnng waters
This document establishes methods for the identification and enumeration of relative proportions of diatom taxa on prepared slides and of data interpretation relevant to assessments of water quality in rivers and streams. It is suitable for use with indices and assessment methods based on the relative abundance of taxa. The methods for identification and enumeration can also be applied to the study of benthic diatoms in other habitats provided that data interpretation methods appropriate to these habitats are used.