DS DS/EN 14347
DS DSEN 14347 2005-APR-29 Chemcal dsnfectants and antseptcs - Basc sporcdal actvty - Test method and requrements phase 1 step 1
DS DSEN 14347 2005-APR-29 Chemcal dsnfectants and antseptcs - Basc sporcdal actvty - Test method and requrements phase 1 step 1
This document specifies a test method (phase 1) and the minimum requirements for sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectant or antiseptic products that form a homogeneous, physically stable preparation when diluted with water. Products can only be tested at a concentration of 80 % or less as some dilution is always produced by adding the test organisms.
This document applies to products that are used in agricultural (but not crop protection), domestic service, food hygiene and other industrial fields, institutional, medical and veterinary applications.