DS DS/EN 14332
DS DSEN 14332 2004-AUG-11 Foodstuffs - Determnaton of trace elements - Determnaton of arsenc n seafood by graphte furnace atomc absorpton spectrometry GFAAS after mcrowave dgeston
DS DSEN 14332 2004-AUG-11 Foodstuffs - Determnaton of trace elements - Determnaton of arsenc n seafood by graphte furnace atomc absorpton spectrometry GFAAS after mcrowave dgeston
This dokument specifies a method for the determination of arsenic in seafood by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after microwave digestion [1], [2]. The collaborative study has included food having an arsenic content 2 mg/kg dry matter. Specific foodstuffs for which standards exist are excluded from the scope of this horizontal document. It is the task of the analyst to review if vertical documents exist.