BSI BIP 2127
BS BP 2127 2007-MAR-30 SO 22000 Food safety Gudance and workbook for the caterng ndustry-To Purchase Call 1-800-854-7179 USACanada or 303-397-7956 Worldwde
BS BP 2127 2007-MAR-30 SO 22000 Food safety Gudance and workbook for the caterng ndustry-To Purchase Call 1-800-854-7179 USACanada or 303-397-7956 Worldwde
This workbook has been developed to provide support to catering organizations in the implementation of an ISO 22000:2005 food safety management system. It is intended to be used by those charged with the implementation and running of the system in the catering sector and will be found particularly helpful by members of the food safety team, as well as departmental managers. For those requiring a greater depth of knowledge and understanding the workbook should be used in conjunction with ISO 22000 and/or the handbook Managing Food Safety the 22000 Way (BIP 2078).