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TIA TIA-1123

TA TA-1123 2010-FEB-01 Network Evoluton for cdma2000 Networks - System Requrements Document

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This document specifies the system requirements for the phased development of the Evolved Network.

This document is intended to be used to guide the formal technical development of the 3GPP2 Evolved Core Network and the 3GPP2 Evolved Radio Access Network that will mainly support the 3GPP2 Enhanced Packet Data Air Interface (E-PDAI) system.

Throughout this document, the following terminology conventions are used:

• "shall" and "shall not" identify items of interest that are to be strictly followed and from which no deviation is recommended.

• "should" indicate items of interest that are highly desirable and particularly suitable, without identifying or excluding other items;

• "may" indicate items of interest that are optional but permissible within the limits of this recommendation.

• The phrase "The Evolved Network shall be capable of" is intended to mean the following:

Stage 3 text will implement these functions as OPTIONAL such that manufacturers can choose to implement or not to implement these functions in their equipment based on the preferences of their customers. In addition, operators may also choose whether or not to activate that functionality based on operator policies.

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