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TIA TIA-707.11-B

TA TA-70711-B 2012-MAR-01 Data Servce Opton For Spread Spectrum Systems–Secton 11

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General Description

This chapter defines requirements for support of high speed packet data transmission capability on TIA/EIA/IS-2000 spread spectrum systems. Packet data transmission is supported on TIA/EIA/IS-2000 Traffic Channels using primary or secondary traffic. For packet data transmission using Service Option 34, the Radio Link Protocol Type 3 specified in TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 is used.

This standard specifies a packet data bearer service for communication between terminal equipment and a packet interworking function (IWF) via a base station/mobile switching center (BS/MSC).

Packet data service options provide a means of establishing and maintaining Traffic Channels for packet data service. Service Option 34 is used to request packet data service through an IWF supporting CDPD data services over a PPP interface (see 4.1). Additional packet data service options may be defined in future revisions to select other types of IWF resources or services.

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