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TIA TIA-4720000-A

TA TA-4720000-A 1993-NOV-01 Generc Specfcaton for Fber Optc Cable-ANS APPROVAL WTHDRAWN MARCH 2004

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This Generic Specification is applicable to fiber optic cables for use in communications systems and in other systems using similar technologies.

This document assumes that an optical fiber Detail Specification, per the EIA/TIA-492-Series, will specify the requirements for the fiber to be cabled. The only fiber attributes normally specified in the TIA/EIA-472-Series are those attributes whose values may be affected as a result of cable manufacturing.

The object of this specification is to establish

- uniform requirements for mecanical, optical, and environmental performance;

- a method of classification of fiber optic cables;

- uniform quality assessment aspects;

- common test methods.

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