TIA TIA-455-243
TA TA-455-243 2010-JAN-28 FOTP-243 Polarzaton-Mode Dsperson Measurement for nstalled Sngle-Mode Optcal Fbers by Wavelength-Scannng OTDR and States-Of-Polarzaton Analyss
TA TA-455-243 2010-JAN-28 FOTP-243 Polarzaton-Mode Dsperson Measurement for nstalled Sngle-Mode Optcal Fbers by Wavelength-Scannng OTDR and States-Of-Polarzaton Analyss
This procedure is restricted to wavelengths at which the fiber is effectively single-mode. The cutoff wavelength ?cf of an un-cabled fiber may be determined by FOTP-80, while the cutoff wavelength ?cf of a cabled fiber may be determined by FOTP-170.
This method is intended for installed cabled fibers without amplification, with PMD values in the range 0.1 to 20 ps.