TIA TIA-455-186
TA TA-455-186 1991-JUL-01 FOTP-186 Gauge Retenton Force Measurement for Fber Optc Components-ANS APPROVAL WTHDRAWN MARCH 2004
TA TA-455-186 1991-JUL-01 FOTP-186 Gauge Retenton Force Measurement for Fber Optc Components-ANS APPROVAL WTHDRAWN MARCH 2004
This procedure is used to measure the retention characteristics of the resilient member of a fiber optic component (most commonly a connector). It is specifically intended for use when it is impracticable to define acceptance/rejection criteria for resilient members by the use of size dimensions.
The method is applicable to either male or female resilient members. For the case of a male member, a ring gauge is forced over the member and the minimum frictional force to pull it off is assessed by its ability to pick up a weight. The procedure is identical for a female resilient member except that a gauge pin is substituted for the ring gauge.
Alternative Procedures
This test procedure is an alternative to the measurement procedure, titled Gauge Retention Force, of IEC 874-1, Third Edition.