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TIA TIA-455-129

TA TA-455-129 2007-NOV-01 Procedures for Applyng Human Body Model Electrostatc Dscharge Stress to Package Optoelectronc Components

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This procedure covers ESD stressing of packaged optoelectronic components only and is not applicable to purely electronic components. For purposes of this document a packaged optoelectronic component includes assembled packages which contain on or more optoelectronic chips one or all of whose chip terminals are directly connected to the package terminals. For semiconductor lasers this package will, in most cases, include a rear facet monitor and may include some monitoring circuitry.

This document applies to the ESD testing of any module circuitry, including the rear facet monitor as well as the laser chip, since such circuitry is an integral part of the laser package. This document applies to all multi-frequency and singly frequency laser devices that utilize semiconductor technology. Therefore, it includes, but is not limited to, Fabry-Perot lasers, distributed feedback (DFB) lasers, distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers, and optoelectronic amplifiers and modulators. This document specifically excludes lasers which utilize only active elements other than semiconductor devices (for example He-Ne, Ar CO2 or Nd:YAG lasers.) The document also excludes packaged modules which contain optoelectronic chips whose terminals are connected only to internal nodes. Such devices are more properly treated as Hybrid ICs for the purpose of ESD testing.

Finally, it should be noted that this document covers only the application of Human Body Model (HBM) ESD testing. The application of other types of ESD such as the Charged Device Model (CDM) and the Field induced Model (FIM) require different types of stressing apparatus and different procedures. In addition, these other ESD stressing models tend to produce different types of failure mechanisms in the components under test.

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