TIA TIA-455-106
TA TA-455-106 1992-NOV-01 FOTP 106 Procedures for Determnng Threshold Current of Semconductor Lasers-ANS APPROVAL WTHDRAWN JUNE 2003
TA TA-455-106 1992-NOV-01 FOTP 106 Procedures for Determnng Threshold Current of Semconductor Lasers-ANS APPROVAL WTHDRAWN JUNE 2003
This test covers the wavelength range from 600 nanometers to 1700 nanometers using a spectrophotometer capable of generating visible and near-infrared light. This method covers primary, secondary, and single coatings (e.g., acrylate, polyimide, and silicone), as well as pigmented coatings, that can be prepared in film specimens.