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TIA TIA-455-3B

TA TA-455-3B 2009-JUL-07 FOTP-3 Procedure to Measure Temperature Cyclng Effects on Optcal Fber Unts Optcal Cable and Other Passve Fber Components

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This test procedure describes a method for the determination of temperature cycling effects or the temperature dependence of attenuation on optical fiber units, cables, cable assemblies, connectors, and/or other passive fiber optic devices. This procedure tests the ability of the component to withstand changes in temperature of the surrounding atmosphere that may be encountered during operation. Measurement of optical fiber is covered in FOTP- 234 (TIA-455-234) "IEC 60793-1-52 Optical Fibres - Part 1-52: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures - Change of Temperature". The simulation of temperature shock testing is covered in FOTP-71 (EIA/TIA-455-71A), "Procedure to Measure Temperature-Shock Effects on Fiber Optic Components."

Typical indications of damage resulting from this test are:

• An excessive temporary or permanent change in optical throughput which exceeds specified limits as defined in the Detail Specification.

• Broken parts, cracks, blisters, etc. in materials or accessories.

• Inability to mate or unmate, if the sample is a connector.

• Damage to seals or "O" rings, if the sample is a connector or device.

The primary use of the test procedure is evaluation of optical fiber cables and connectors. Testing of optical fibers shall use FOTP-234, as noted above. Testing of fiber units shall be accomplished using the test procedure in the main test. Hereinafter, all uses of "cable" shall be interpreted to apply to fiber units to the extent they are applicable. Testing of optical fiber connectors and other devices has been moved to Annex A (normative) in order to streamline the test methods. This Annex comprises the test procedure of FOTP-3, revision A.

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