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TA TA-123-A 2006-JAN-01 Telecommuncatons Multlne Termnal Systems North Amercan Test Plan for Multvendor QSG nteroperablty Testng

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The scope of this test plan includes the verification of the compatibility of QSIG Basic Call procedures, as defined in Basic Call (ISO/IEC 11572), and the functional compatibility of the following Supplementary Services:

•Generic Functional protocol for all Supplementary Services (ISO/IEC 11582)

•Calling and Connected Line Identification (ISO/IEC 14136)

• QSIG Name Identification Service (ISO/IEC 13864/13868)

• QSIG Call Transfer (ISO/IEC 13865/13869), limited to Transfer by Join

• QSIG Call Diversion (ISO/IEC 13872/13873)

• QSIG Call Offer (ISO/IEC 14841/14843)

• QSIG Call Completion (ISO/IEC 13866/13868)

• QSIG Path Replacement (ISO/IEC 13863/13874)

• QSIG Call Independent Signaling (ISO/IEC 11582)

•QSIG Transit Counter (ISO/IEC 15055/15056)

• QSIG Message Waiting (ISO/IEC 15505/15506)

As much as possible, functional tests defined by the QSIG standards that could be tested at the user interface are described in this document. The deployment of a protocol monitor/simulator is sometimes needed to observe the actual signaling information when tests cannot be successfully completed. Each feature is described in a separate section with a brief description, test configuration and administration required before the actual test cases are described.

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