TA TA-102CAEB 2009-DEC-01 Project 25 Conformance Profle Level TwoAdvanced Conventonal Operaton
TA TA-102CAEB 2009-DEC-01 Project 25 Conformance Profle Level TwoAdvanced Conventonal Operaton
This document defines a P25 Conformance Profile (PCP) for advanced conventional operation, which is further subdivided into functional groupings and items. Each PCP item devolves to a set of procedures (detailed later in this document) that define reference-signaling sequences for the identified scenarios.
A manufacturer may choose to conform with all or part of this Conformance profile. It is anticipated that, for the basic Conformance Profile, a manufacturer would wish to cover most of the PCP items, while more advanced Conformance Profiles, like this one, may be addressed in a less comprehensive manner.
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