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TA TA-102BAAB-B 2005-MAR-01 Project 25 - Common Ar nterface Conformance Test

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This document lists a series of conformance tests for the Common Air Interface, defined in reference [2]. These tests are intended to assure that equipment actually conforms to the formats specified in the Common Air Interface. The object of the conformance tests is to assure that equipment may be interoperable with other equipment conforming to the standard. These tests are different and distinct from performance tests, given in reference [5], which measure the actual limits of equipment performance. The performance and conformance tests are mutually complementary. These tests are also different and distinct from lock down tests, which are intended to demonstrate interoperability between different radios. These conformance tests are intended to precede lock down tests.

This document lists a series of conformance tests for the Common Air Interface, defined in reference [2]. These tests are intended to assure that equipment actually conforms to the formats specified in the Common Air Interface. The object of the conformance tests is to assure that equipment may be interoperable with other equipment conforming to the standard. These tests are different and distinct from performance tests, given in reference [5], which measure the actual limits of equipment performance. The performance and conformance tests are mutually complementary. These tests are also different and distinct from lock down tests, which are intended to demonstrate interoperability between different radios. These conformance tests are intended to precede lock down tests.

The specific test cases for the transmitter tests are selected to exercise the encoders for the various codes used in the Common Air Interface. In general the transmitter tests can be applied to a receiver by exciting the receiver with the test signals and then measuring the receiverapos;s response. The required response of the receiver to the transmitter test signals in not defined in this document, but it may be inferred from the information content of the test signal, the conditions of the test signal, and the operating characteristics of the receiver. The specific test cases and conditions for the receiver tests are selected to exercise the error correcting and detecting mechanisms in the receiver.

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