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TA TA-102AAAD-A 2009-AUG-20 Project 25 Dgtal Land Moble Rado Block Encrypton Protocol

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The Project 26 standard covets all of the pans of a system (or pubilc-satety Land Mobile Radio communications. These systems include portable radios for hand held operation, mobile radios for vehicular operation, base stations lor fixed installations, and other fixed equipment for wide area operation and console operator positions, as well as computer equipment for data communications. The standard defines the means for this equipment to send and receive digital information, in the form of either voice or data (i.e. non-voice) messages.

The reader of this document should be familiar with Appendix C, STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS, of reference 1. Project 25 Systems and Standards Definition. One requirement is to be able to protect digital communications with encryption. The implication is that a means for encryption and decryption must be included in those system elements (e.g. portable and mobile radios) that intend to protect the messages they exchange in conformance to the other parts of Project 25 standard, it is the scope of this document to describe how to use encryption to protect messages for the Project 25 standard.

Reference 1 ateo contains a General System Model to describe a Project 25 standard system. Such a system is decomposed into functional groups with simple designations Iike 'MR' for mobile radio, and 'BR' for base station (radio). These functional groups are loosely correlated to real products and devices, but they need not be. Each functional group has one or more interfaces to other functional groups that allow information to be transferred through the system. The interface for communications over a radio channel is called the Common Air Interface (CAI). The formats for transmission of information over the Common Air Interface are described in reference 3. Project 25 FDMA CAI.

The functions of encryption and decryption generally take place near the end points of a message path in a system, in order to maintain the confidentiality of the information through as much of the system as possible. This means that the encryption and decryption functions can be provided at points where voice information is coded with 1MBE, such as an MR (mobile or portable radio) or a CON (console). The functions may also be provided at points where data (non-voice) information enters the system such as an RFG (RF system Gateway)

This Block Encryption Protocol defines the operation of encryption and decryption In a way that is compatible with information transfer through a Project 25 standard system, and especially, through the CAI of such a system. It is important to note that the Block Encryption Protocol is not actually part of the CAI because encryption and decryption may take place in system devices that are not directly connected to the CAI.

Revision History

Version 0.0, 7Jun2000, Draft released.

Version 0.1, 2Aug2000. Draft 2 with general cleanup, added annexes for DES. Triple DES. and AES.

Version 0.2, 27Sep00. Draft 3 with general cleanup, added Plain Text and Cipher Text to annexes, added actual values for annexes A and B, moved references to Protect 25 DES Encryption Protocol to Foreword.

SP-3-4921. 28 March 2001. prepared document for ballot (same content as draft 3 with clarified DES interoperability in Annex 8).

SP-3-4921-1,14 January 2002. prepared document for default ballot for technical changes made to section 6. and Annex C as a result of comment resolution.

TIA/EIA-102.AAAD. 3 June 2002, minor editorial correcbons from default ballot

TR8.3 08-07-005. July 8, 2008. modified mandatory algorithm to specify AES (Section 7)

TR8.3 08-07-005-R2, January 20. 2009. added Tyco addendum for Phase 2 Two-Slot TDMA.

TR8.3 08-07-006. March 13. 2008 TR8.3 08-07-005-R3, March 23, 2009, added SP document number

TR8.3 08-07-005-R4, May 22. 2009. minor editorial corrections from ballot

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