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TIA TIA-455-244

TA TA-455-244 2011-OCT-07 Methods for Measurng the Change n Transmttance of Optcal Fbers n Expressed Buffer Tubes When Subjected to Temperature Cyclng

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This test is applicable to cables containing a multiplicity of buffer tubes and specified for midspan access applications requiring expressed buffer tube storage (buffer tubes stored in their intact form; not cut, opened, or removed).

Storing several meters of expressed tubes in pedestals or splice cases is common field practice. This practice simplifies access to fibers for future reconfiguration or as a collateral result of accessing one or a few of the tubes in a cable.

The procedure in this document tests the ability of tubes to withstand temperature cycling without sustaining the specified induced fiber attenuation when the tubes are not constrained by other cable components or are only minimally constrained by slack management devices typically used in splice cases or pedestals.

Typical indications of failure are:

1. A temporary or permanent change in optical throughput which exceeds limits stated in the Detail Specification.

2. Cracks, blisters, or kinks of expressed buffer tubes.

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