TA EA-538 1988-AUG-01 Facsmle Codng Schemes and Codng Control Functons for Group 4 Facsmle Equpment
TA EA-538 1988-AUG-01 Facsmle Codng Schemes and Codng Control Functons for Group 4 Facsmle Equpment
This Standard (P/N 1814) defines the facsimile coding schemes, and their control functions to be used in the group 4 facsimile
This Standard (P/N 1814) should be read in conjunction with the following Recornnerdat ions:
T.5 - General aspects of Group 4 facsimile
T.73 - Document interchange protocol for the equipfit (Equivalent to EIA P/N 1466) ; "elematic service;
T.62 - Control procedures for "eletex and Group 4 facsimile services (wivalent to EIA P/N 1467);
T.70 - Network-independent basic transport service for Wlematic services;
F.161 - International Group 4 facsimile service
In addition, in the case of Group 4 class 2/3 (mletex or mixeãmode of operation), the following Recamendations should also be read:
T.60 - *minal equipaent for use in the Teletex service
T.61 - Character repertoire anci d e â character sets for the international Wletex service
T.72 - *rminal capabilities for mixed mode of operation