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NACE SP0690 1990-JAN-01 Standard Format for Collecton and Complaton of Data for Computerzed Materal Corroson Resstance Database nput-tem No 21047

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This NACE standard recommended practice defines data categories and specific data elements (fields) that are considered desirable or essential to accommodate search strategies and reliable data comparisons in computerized corrosion databases. It is intended to facilitate the recording of corrosion test results and does not imply or endorse any particular database design or schema. The data entries are designed to accommodate data relative to the basic forms of corrosion and to serve as a guide for structuring multiple-source database compilations with the capability of assessing compatibility of engineering materials (metals and nonmetals) for a wide range of environments and exposure conditions.

Utilization of the guidelines and format are designed for use with computerized database applications but may be useful for other applications in which systematic recording of corrosion data is desired. This standard should aid persons involved with the selection or evaluation of metallic or nonmetallic materials for various applications who desire to record corrosion data in a computerized format.

This standard was originally prepared in 1990 by Task Group T-3U-1 of Unit Committee T-3U on Computers in Corrosion Control (originally Task Group T-3-2 of Group Committee T-3). It was reaffirmed in 1998 by Unit Committee T-3U and in 2004 by STG 07 on Computer Applications. This standard is published under the auspices STG 07. Task group participants included representatives from materials groups from chemical and process industries, material suppliers, research institutions, technical associations, corrosion consulting firms, and government laboratories.

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