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NACE SP0592 1992-APR-26 Applcaton of a Coatng System to nteror Surfaces of New and Used Ral Tank Cars n Concentrated 90 to 98 Sulfurc Acd Servce-tem No21057

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This standard describes a procedure for the application of a coating system to the interior sutfaces of new and used railroad steel tank cars used primarily in the transportation of concentrated (90 to 98%) sulfuric acid at ambient temperatures. The requirements for sutface preparation, qualified inspection of the completed coating system, and testing by the use of adequate, readily available instruments are also covered in this standard.

For the purposes of this standard, the term concentrated sulfuric acid broadly refers to acid in the concentration range of 90 to 98%. Commercial sulfuric acid is usually handled at 93% because that concentration has the minimum freezing point of -34°C (-30°F) for solutions of sulfuric acid in water. Sulfuric acid at 98% would be more economical to ship per unit weight of acid; however, it is more corrosive to carbon steel than 93% acid, and has a higher freezing point of approximately 7°C (45°F). All concentrations of sulfuric acid can contain impurities that can significantly alter its inherent corrosion characteristics

In addition to adhering to the conditions set forth in this standard, tank cars haulin concentrated sulfuric acid must comply with U.S. DOT(1) and AAR(2) specifications pertaining to DOT 11 1Al00W-2 tanks.

The minimum as-built wall thicknesses of metal sutfaces to be coated in accordance with this standard should be 11 mm (0.43 in.).

Liquid coatings used in this standard may be hazardous and therefore basic safety precautions regarding the handling and application of these coating materials and solvents should be used. Chapter 1 of NACE TPC No.23 contains more detailed information. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) supplied by the coating manufacturer provides additional information relative to the coating and current government regulations.

This standard does not provide a full treatise on corrosion of steel by concentrated sulfuric acid; this is an extensive subject in its own right.

(I)U .S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 400 7th Street SW, Washington DC 20590.

('2) Association of American Railroads (AAR), 50 F Street NW, Washington DC 20001-1564.

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