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NACE SP0288 2011-OCT-28 nspecton of Lnng Applcaton n Steel and Concrete Equpment-tem No 21039

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This standard practice provides inspection requirements to verify compliance to a specification for application of a lining in steel or concrete equipment such as tanks, vessels, sumps, and basins.

This standard is applicable to the application of a new or replacement lining, but is not applicable to the routine inspection of an existing lining.

This standard does not address the selection of the lining material(s) or specify surface preparation and lining application requirements.

This standard does not apply to inspection of exterior coatings on steel or concrete such as atmospheric coatings or external coatings on pipelines or other buried or submerged structures.

Successful lining application is usually the result of a well-prepared lining application specification, properly selected highquality lining materials, a competent, experienced, knowledgeable lining applicator, and an inspector knowledgeable, and preferably certified, in lining inspection procedures. Adherence to a well-prepared lining application specification that clearly details industry-accepted requirements and procedures for quality lining application should result in a satisfactory application. The inspector relies on a well-prepared lining application specification, which should include methods, specification standards, and acceptance criteria.

Specifications should be written with the purpose of designating materials and methods that result in high-quality linings appropriate for the user. Attention must be given to relevant details in a lining application specification. The specification should refer to industry standards whenever possible to minimize confusion or disputes over methodology and to reflect the latest technology that satisfies engineering and design principles for a particular application and environment. The specifications should include the acceptance criteria for the owner/user.

Inspectors shall have previously performed the functions outlined in this standard and be proficient in the use of inspection equipment. When required, inspectors shall provide necessary documentation and evidence demonstrating suitable qualifications.

The inspector shall maintain a detailed report that outlines observations and measurements of surface preparation, ambient conditions, mixing techniques, application procedures, curing, final inspection, and other information requested at the prejob conference.

When agreed to by the owner, an inspector shall have the authority to suspend lining application work if the work being performed is not in accordance with the lining application specification. Inspector responsibility and authority shall be agreed on by the owner and the contractor.

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