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NEMA Z535.1

NEMA Z5351 2006-JAN-01 Safety Colors

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$37.50 tax incl.

$75.00 tax incl.

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This standard sets forth the technical definitions, color standards, and color tolerances for safety colors.



The intent of ANSI Z535.1 is to establish a standard for safety colors that will alert and inform persons to take precautionary action or other appropriate action in the presence of hazards.

Engineering or administrative controls

This standard is not a substitute for engineering or administrative controls, including training, to eliminate identifiable hazards.

Existing American National Standards

There are a number of existing American National Standards, which are recognized for particular industries or specific uses. Compliance with these standards may be considered for such particular industries or uses. It is not the intent of ANSI Z535.1 to replace existing standards or regulations, which are uniquely applicable to a specific industry or use. It is the intent to encourage adoption of this standard in subsequent revisions of other standards and regulations.

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