NEMA LE 5B 1998-JAN-01 Procedure for Determnng Lumnare Effcacy Ratngs for Hgh-ntensty Dscharge ndustral Lumnares-Scope for Addtonal Partally Replaced nformaton
NEMA LE 5B 1998-JAN-01 Procedure for Determnng Lumnare Effcacy Ratngs for Hgh-ntensty Dscharge ndustral Lumnares-Scope for Addtonal Partally Replaced nformaton
Provides standardized tests to evaluate energy efficiency of HID industrial luminaires. Provides a procedure for determining the luminaire efficacy ratings under laboratory test conditions, including visual tasks involved, luminaire placement, such performance characteristics as color and glare, lighting maintenance, on/off level control and a ballast's ability to regulate lamp wattage.
When rating a fixture in accordance with EPAct 1992, use this standard. For other purposes, see NEMA LE 6, a newer standard for luminaire efficacy that supersedes the LE 5 series.