ANS O51 1992-JAN-01 Wood Poles - Specfcatons and Dmensons
This standard consists of specifications and dimensions for wood poles that are to be given preservative treatment as specified by the purchaser. The poles described herein are considered as simple cantilever members subject to transverse loads only. Modification of the requirements may be necessary if the poles are to be used for other types of construction or for designs where the point of maximum stress is at a location above the groundline.
The designated fiber stresses published in this standard do not apply to reliability-based design. Alternative data for use in reliability-based design are provided in annex C.
Requirements for the preservative treatment of poles are not included in this standard. These requirements are detailed in other standards (for example, those of the American Wood-Preservers’ Association and ASTM) and in customer specifications. However, exceptions are made to this exclusion in those cases where conditioning the wood for treatment or where the actual process of preservation could reduce the designated fiber stresses below those listed in 5.1.1 and as a consequence necessitate a change in the minimum 6 feet from the butt dimensions in tables 3 through 9.
Customers who purchased ANSI O5.1