ANS PH25 1979-JAN-01 Method for Determnng Speed of Photographc Negatve Materals Monochrome Contnuous- Tone Superseded by ANS T25
ANS PH25 1979-JAN-01 Method for Determnng Speed of Photographc Negatve Materals Monochrome Contnuous- Tone Superseded by ANS T25
This method enables the determination of American National Standard Speed of camera films including photographic roll films, film packs, miniature camera films, sheet films, and plates intended for the making of monochrome, continuous-tone negatives in pictorial still photography, exclusive of photography in the infrared. This method does not apply to negatives such as those produced in copy, duplicating, and diffusion transfer systems, to process films and other graphic arts films and plates, radiographic films, micrographic films, and aerial photographic films. American National Standard Film Speeds are directly applicable to