ANSI N43.5
ANS N435 1977-AUG-01 Amercan Natonal Standard N537 Radologcal Safety Standard for the Desgn of Radographc and Fluoroscopc ndustral X-Ray Equpment-Now Copyrghted by HPS NBS Handbook 123
ANS N435 1977-AUG-01 Amercan Natonal Standard N537 Radologcal Safety Standard for the Desgn of Radographc and Fluoroscopc ndustral X-Ray Equpment-Now Copyrghted by HPS NBS Handbook 123
This standard provides guidelines specific to the radiation safety aspects of the design of industrial x-ray equipment operating at energies below 1 MeV for radiographic and fluoroscopic applications, wherein the x rays are generated by electronic means. It does not include safety guidelines or other safety considerations outside the realm of radiation safety.