ANSI N14.5
ANS N145 1997-JAN-01 Radoactve Materals - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shpment
This standard specifies methods for demonstrating that Type B packages designed for transport of normal form radioactive material comply with the containment requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 71 (10 CFR Part 71).
This standard describes:
1. Package release limits
2. Methods for relating package release limits to allowable and reference leakage rates
3. Minimum requirements for leakage rate test procedures.
This standard provides requirements for the following leakage rate tests:
1. Design
2. Fabrication
3. Maintenance
4. Periodic
5. Preshipment.
This standard also contains non-mandatory appendices on leakage rate test methods, determination of reference leakage rate, and determination of activity in the medium.
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