ANSI N5.12
ANS N512 1974-JUN-20 Protectve coatngs pants for the nuclear ndustry
Purpose and Scope.
This standard provides
A common basis on which protective coatings (paints) for nuclear facilities may be evaluated and selected by reproducible tests (Sections 2 to 7).
Guidelines for surface preparation, application, and inspection of these coatings in the shop and in the field (Sections 8 to 10).
Under the environmental conditions of these facilities a coating may deteriorate through exposure to temperature, moisture, ionizing radiation, contamination by radioactive nuclides and decontamination processes, chemicals (immersion, splash, fume), immersion in highly purified water, and abrasion or wear.
The scope includes
Definition of Exposure Conditions and Performance Requirements
Radiation Tolerance Tests
Decontamination Factors and Tests
Chemical Resistance Tests
Physical Properties Tests
Preparation of Test Specimens
Surface Preparation for Shop and Field Work
Coating Application for Shop and Field Work
Inspection for Shop and Field Work
Glossary of Terms
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