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AM MS26 1990-JAN-01 35 mm Planetary Cameras Top-Lght - Procedures for Determnng llumnaton Unformty of Mcroflmng Engneerng Drawngs-ncludes Errata and Amendment 1 1998

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This standard specifies the minimum test target elements and their criteria to be used in determining the uniformity of illumination on the copyboard of a 35 mm planetary camera. The layout of the test target and the procedure to be followed in obtaining a uniform density of microfilm images from a planetary camera are established to assist in the achievement of high quality first-generation silver-gelatin microfilm of engineering drawings.

This standard deals exclusively with top-light and does not address the use of back-light. Sufficient need exists for a test target and procedure for top-light filming to justify publication without waiting for the development of a test target and procedure for back-light filming.

The test target and procedure developed are designed to complement that of the camera manufacturer.

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