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PC J-STD-002C 2007-DEC-01 Solderablty Tests for Component Leads Termnatons Lugs Termnals and Wres-ncorporates Amendment 1 October 2008

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This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs, and tabs. This standard also includes a test method for the Resistance to Dissolution/Dewetting of Metallization. This standard is intended for use by both vendor and user.

Purpose Solderability evaluations are made to verify that the solderability of component leads and terminations meets the requirements established in this standard and to determine that storage has had no adverse effect on the ability to solder components to an interconnecting substrate. Determination of solderability can be made at the time of manufacture, at receipt of the components by the user, or just before assembly and soldering.

The resistance to dissolution of metallization determination is made to verify that metallized terminations will remain intact throughout the assembly soldering processes.

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