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IPC 4203

PC 4203 2002-MAY-01 Adhesve Coated Delectrc Flms for Use as Cover Sheets for Flexble Prnted Crcutry and Flexble Adhesve Bondng Flms

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This standard establishes the classification system, the qualification and quality conformance requirements for dielectric films coated with an adhesive on one side, which are to be used as cover sheets for flexible printed circuitry, dielectric films coated on one side or two sides with adhesive and unsupported adhesive films to be used in the fabrication of flexible printed circuitry.

This specification supersedes IPC-FC-232C and IPC-FC-233A and the requirements herein meet or exceed the requirements for Class 3 in these superseded documents. Note that conformance to Class 3 met or exceeded conformance to Classes 1 and 2. IPC-4203 no longer utilizes the 3-class system.

Classification System The system described in 1.1.1 through identifies adhesive coated dielectric films and flexible adhesive bonding films.

Nonspecific Designation A nonspecific designation is intended for use by designers on master drawings to designate their material choice. Further specification details may be indicated by using the specific designation in drawing notes and purchase documents. At the end of this standard is a series of material specification sheets designated by individual nonspecific designators. Each sheet outlines engineering and performance data for a flexible cover sheet and bonding film indicating base material type, adhesive type and method of reinforcement. The sheets are provided with a number for ordering purposes. For example, if a user wishes to order from specification sheet number 1, the number "1" would be substituted for the "S" in the designation example (i.e., IPC-4203/1).

Example of nonspecific designation:


Where S is specification sheet number

Specific Designation The specific designation shall be as shown in the following example and is intended for use on purchase orders (see 6.1). The specific designation shall not be used by designers on master drawings to indicate their material selection. Master drawings shall indicate the material design by the nonspecific designation, supplemented in notes with the material specification details as defined by the specific designation. This procedure is necessary because the specific designation is normally lengthy and will not fit the field for most computer cataloging.

Example of specific designation:

IPC-4203/S - C1E2M3/3


IPC-4203/S - Nonspecific Designation (see 1.1.1)

C - Base Dielectric Type Designation (see

1 - Reinforcement Method Designation (see

E - Reinforcement Type Designation (see

2 - Base Dielectric Thickness Designation (see

M - Adhesive Type Designation (see

3/3 - Adhesive Thickness Designation (see

Note: The letter "X" shall be entered into the designation where an item is not specified (e.g., dielectric thickness).

Base Dielectric Material Type The type of dielectric material shall be specified per Table 1-1.

Reinforcement Method The reinforcement method shall be specified per Table 1-2.

Reinforcement Type The reinforcement type shall be specified per Table 1-3.

Base Dielectric Material Thickness The base material thickness is expressed by a designator (see Table 1-4).

Adhesive Type The adhesive type shall be specified per Table 1-5.

Adhesive Thickness Adhesive thickness is expressed by a designator (see Table 1-4). The thickness on each side of two side-coated adhesive bonding films is separated by a slash.

Qualification The adhesive coated dielectric film or adhesive bonding films that meet all the requirements of this standard shall be qualified products (see 4.8).

Quality Conformance This standard establishes a quality conformance system for the manufacturers to demonstrate the continual conformance of an adhesive coated dielectric film or adhesive bonding film to the quality requirements of the standard. See 4.9 for quality conformance inspection requirements.

Material Characteristics The adhesive coated dielectric film or adhesive bonding films made to this standard use established requirements to enable the material to be applied in a broad range of applications. Materials made to this standard may have characteristics that meet a specific enhanced performance need. Both the user and supplier should review these enhancements.

New Materials The adhesive coated dielectric film or adhesive bonding films contained in this standard represent known materials. As new materials become available, they will be added to future revisions. Users and material developers are encouraged to supply information on new flexible materials using the blank specification sheet at end of this standard for review by the IPC Flexible Circuits Base Materials Subcommittee (D-13). Users who wish to invoke this specification for flexible materials not listed shall list a zero for the specification sheet number (i.e., IPC-4203/0).

New or revised specification sheets may become approved by the committee independent from revision of the standard. When this occurs, the new or revised specification sheet shall become part of the standard. Per 6.1, the specification sheet revision date shall be specified in the order.

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