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IPC 4821

PC 4821 2006-MAY-01 Specfcaton for Embedded Passve Devce Capactor Materals for Rgd and Multlayer Prnted Boards

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This document describes materials that can be used for the fabrication of embedded passive capacitor devices within the finished printed circuit board substrate. For this document, embedded passive devices and the phrase embedded passives are considered to be equivalent. It provides information on general designations and associated characteristics of embedded passive device (EPD) capacitor materials. The document shall be used as a qualification and conformance standard for these materials. This document contains material designation, conformance (requirements), qualification (characterization) and quality assurance specifications. IPC-4821 shall be used in conjunction with IPC-2000 series design standards and IPC- 6000 series performance standards. Embedded passive resistor material designation, conformance (requirements), qualification (characterization) and quality assurance specifications are contained in IPC-4811.

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